Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Commentary on colleagues blog

            In Ardiana Shillvoa commentary on America, “The Land of the Free, unless you want Medical Marijuana" I would have to say I agree with her. Smoking marijuana should be a personal choice and it should be made legal for the use of medical treatment. Me personally I don't engage in smoking pot, but I have been around people who use it and they are perfectly fine, in my opinion.
 Medical marijuana that has been used by millions of Americans to help control their health problems has been very successful. Not only those it work, but it’s also a healthier alternative pain reliever. Marijuana can also be used as a psychoactive drug. It can help with over stress, depression or even for people who have trouble eating. One of Marijuana side effects is that it causes hunger so that is another way it can be used.

            As one of the reasons why I believe marijuana has not been legalized is because everybody thinks they it’s the gateway drug. Although, it has never been proven it also has a lot of flaws in its argument. They say that marijuana is the gateway drug because it is easier to get a hold of, but drugs such as bath salt, pills, alcohol, and meth can be found in a convenient store. There aren’t any reported overdoses or health problems that have been caused by marijuana.

            This is why I agree completely with Ardiana. Marijuana should be a personal choice and a choice that should not be made by politicians that are out of their mind and should probably consider using drugs.

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