Wednesday, October 16, 2013

     "Ted Cruz is Doing the Right Thing" written by Erick Erickson talks about how Ted Cruz will not filibuster the proposition that the senate leaders have constructed. According to the author Cruz those not feel like the rest of the conservatives will back him up. He isn't willing to take the heat by himself in other words. Either way the GOP will still increase. The other conservatives are upset with what Cruz has said. They don’t like that he those not want to deny the proposition.
     The authors intended audience is the U.S people, more specifically the conservatives. He is credible because he himself is a conservative and although he is conservative he isn’t agreeing with the most popular side. He agrees with Ted Cruz. He feels that Cruz is doing the right thing. If Cruz was to go against the proposition he is risking a lot. There is a big probability that the rest of his colleagues won’t back him up and leave him standing alone. Then he would be blamed for the whole thing. Also Ted Cruz’s rivals will have yet another weapon in their arsenal against Ted.  
     I agree with the author because if the rest of my team will not back me up than why should I risk my job for them? I also agree with him because in my opinion the shutdown was unnecessary. The faster the senate agrees the faster the shutdown will be over with.

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